Velkommen til Thiim
Thiim A/S helps you optimize operations with products and solutions within IIoT & industrial IT, electrical components, and relay & electronics.
IIoT & industrial IT
Solutions for controlling and monitoring for optimization of operation and energy consumption, and minimization of downtime.
Gemini og Onset data loggere til opsamling, registrering og lagring af data til identifikation af mønstre og trends.
Electrical components
Kraus & Naimer switchgear and push buttons for building reliable installations.
Relay & electronics
Standard and tailored products for monitoring and measuring electrical systems and for electrical safety.
How can we help you?
Do you have questions, want to know more, or need our help?
Hos Thiim får du produkter, løsninger og rådgivning af højeste kvalitet
Our mission
We help companies in Denmark and abroad optimize their operation and minimize downtime with products and solutions within industrial IT, electrical components and electronics.
Our approach
Together we find the solution which matches your technical and financial needs and wishes and ensures your succes.
years experience

We offer you...
The best solution
Our experienced technicians help you succeed with the best solution that matches your needs, wishes and budget. You will discover that we carefully examine the task to ensure that you get the right and long lasting solution.
The greatest knowledge
You and your project will benefit from our solid experience obtained through 50 years in the market. You will find that we investigate your specific situation, needs and wishes. Because your project is unique and deserves the optimal solution for you.
The best products
It can be difficult to figure out which products and suppliers are best for your particular project. Do not dispair, we will help and advise you. At Thiim you find only products that we have tested, have the best experience with, and can vouch 100% for.
The best support
Whenever you have questions or need help, our team of engaged and highly qualified technicians are ready to help you by phone or email.
Seneste nyheder fra Thiim
Sikring af dine industrielle netværk for fremtiden
Lad os udforske, hvordan du kan fremtidssikre dit industrielle netværk og forberede dig på den digitale fremtid.
AIG-101 Moxas nye IIoT gateway
AIG-101 er en 2-port Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP til MQTT/Azure/AWS skyklar IIoT gateway
Moxas unmanaged switch EDS-2000/G2000 EL/ELP
Kompakt, robust, pålidelig Layer 2 unmanaged switch med og uden Gigabit.
Ny CANbus gateway fra Moxa
Til protokolkonvertering fra CANopen eller J1939 til Modbus/TCP, EtherNet/IP eller PROFINET.